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Odissi Exams

Pracheeti Odissi Dance Academy is a distinguished institution that takes immense pride in offering national level examinations in the exquisite dance form of Odissi. Our commitment to the students’ academic growth and recognition is second to none, as we understand the importance of gaining certification and academic recognition for the rigorous training and hard work a student undertakes during their learning.

We take great pleasure in informing you that we are registered with the prestigious Akhil Bharatiya Gandharva Mahavidyala Mandal, India, and have had numerous students who have successfully completed their examinations with flying colors. Our exceptional team of instructors prepares, guides, and trains our students to give these UGC recognized examinations in Odissi, ensuring they have the necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel in their chosen field.

At Pracheeti Odissi Dance Academy, we are passionate about providing a comprehensive learning experience that not only enriches our students’ dance skills but also instills in them a sense of academic achievement. We are proud of our students’ accomplishments, and we look forward to continuing our tradition of excellence in the field of Odissi dance education.
Exam Levels


2 year Preliminary Course


2-year Intermediate level course after Prarambhik


2-year Diploma level course after Praveshika


Visharad (2-year course after Madhyama) is treated as equivalent to Bachelor degree in Odissi Dance

Registration is open now

Start your Odissi Visharad journey Now!

Learn with Us

Kids - Online

Introduce your Kids to the basics of Odissi in a fun and engaging manner


Learn authentic Odissi dance in a traditional physical class environment

Adults - Online

Introduction to Odissi basics and theory in intensive 3-month modules.